domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023


 Queridas familias,

La radio ha venido a nuestro centro de la mano de Radio Alberquilla.

Como una actividad dentro del Programa ALDEA, y promovida por la seño Rocío, la radio ha venido a nuestro centro para entrevistar al alumnado seleccionado dentro de la propuesta de realizar un invento que nos ayude a cuidar, prevenir, mejorar el deterioro de nuestro medio ambiente.

Dichas entrevistas, en las que ha participado alumnos y alumnas de 5º de E. Primaria, se ha grabado en directo para la creación de un podcast que se emitirá en la emisora visitante, Radio Alberquilla.

Gracias a esta iniciativa, el alumnado ha podido conocer de primera mano cómo funciona un programa de radio.

Os dejamos el vídeo realizado por el maestro Pedro a modo de resumen.

Dear families,

The radio has come to our center thanks to Radio Alberquilla.

As an activity within the ALDEA Program, and promoted by Mrs. Rocío, the radio has come to our school to interview the some students about their inventions that helps us take care of, prevent, improve the deterioration of our environment. It has been very interesting.

These interviews, in which 5th year Primary students have participated, have been recorded live for the creation of a podcast that will be broadcast on Radio Alberquilla soon.

Thanks to this initiative, students have been able to see first-hand how a radio program works.

We leave you the video made by the teacher Pedro as a summary.