Queridas familias,
¡Felicidades! Hoy 15 de mayo celebramos en nuestro centro el Día Internacional de la Familia.
"Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la
familia es el “conjunto de personas que conviven bajo el mismo techo,
organizadas en roles fijos (padre, madre, herman@s, etc.) con vínculos consanguíneos
o no, con un modo de existencia económico y social comunes, con sentimientos
afectivos que los unen y aglutinan”.
to the World Health Organization (WHO), the family is "set of people who
live under the same roof, organized into fixed roles (father, mother, siblings,
etc.) with or without blood ties, with a common economic and social mode of
existence, with affective feelings that unite and unite them”.
The current types of family are very
different, where before you could only talk about the nuclear family (father,
mother and children), currently we have other types of families: two-parent
families without children, two-parent families with children. s, same-sex
families, stepfamilies, single-parent families, foster families, adoptive
families, and extended families.
This unfolding of the concept of family, in addition to moving more and more towards inclusiveness, indicates that the family structure is not a determining factor in deciding whether a family is functional or not. The way a family has has little or nothing to do with its proper functioning: the most important are factors such as harmony, mutual care and help, love, respect and union." (taken from observatoriofiex.es)